1222: ** Bug Reports ** - English

Questions about usage of Ahnenblatt
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1222: ** Bug Reports ** - English

Beitrag von Mathemagician »

Greetings from Canada,

The English section of the forum has no dedicated thread/location to report bugs (yes, they do come up!), as does the German section. I am starting this thread in the hopes that it will be "pinned" as a place for people to report bugs. My intention is to maintain a single list (following) for the author (or anyone else) to view, categorizing bugs for easy analysis. Since only I can modify this post, others reporting bugs should just post to this thread as replies; I will verify and add to the list as needed. Ahnenblatt is quite thoroughly de-bugged so I don't expect to be swamped. Most of the bugs I have found are because of my testing, etc. in preparation for the English help file (hoping for a Beta version before the end of this month).

The list has bugs numbered (just for convenience), and some use of colors may be helpful. As bugs are fixed (and I hope they will be!), I will either remove them, recolour them (greyed out), or ? (to be decided).

Bugs 1..5 have actually already been reported, but in other threads (or email, in one case). I will re-state them here, just for convenience. Some items (in the Oversights thread) could be posted here, but are not really detrimental to Ahnenblatt's performance; they don't really qualify as bugs.

Ahnenblatt v2.85
  1. FILE SEARCH (12/08/2014) File/Search not working properly
    Search is not searching subfolders of NTFS drives, or flash drives (by design?). Scan time is far too short, based on other applications which search drives. Ancestry files appear to be found in subfolders of FAT16 drives. Finding of files on NTFS drives is incomplete. (modified Jan 30/15)
  2. DATES (12/14/2014) Date range - between DATE1 and DATE2 broken since v2.83
    Substitute words (BET -> between, AND -> and) do not work. Changing, i.e. GEDCOM.BET=BET\~bet works, but only for years, not month&year or day&month&year. Creating a date using "bet" in a .GED file, then writing it out as a .ged file (i.e. Save as...) reveals that the GEDCOM modifier is now written as "bet", not "BET". Seems to work fine in v2.83. This tells me that I think the wires between the hardwired string "BET" and the language variable string "bet" have become crossed. I did a memory snoop (using HxD hex editor) - the GEDCOM.BET variable IS getting loaded. (modified Jan 30/15)
  3. DATES (12/14/2014) Date period expression "from DATE1 to DATE2" not working (see #2)
    Similar behaviour to bug #1, re: substitute words. Seems to work fine in v2.83.
  4. DATES (12/14/2014) Interpreted dates (INT) not parsing correctly
    INT JUL 1898 (summer of '98) parses as interpreted 18/07/0008 (summer of '98) without any error, re: GEDCOM compatibility.
  5. PERSON SEARCH (01/02/2015) Search option "Identical with whole data field" appears to do nothing
    Marcus hat geschrieben:"Identical with whole data field" looks to be broken ... when searching for "Regina Hertha" in the field "First/Birth Names" in the file "Beispiel.ahn" it shouldn't find "Willner, Regina Hertha Klara" since the fields don't match exactly. It looks like the results are just the same as with the 'base option' without recognizing the check-box "Identical with whole data field".
    This item now reposted in Oversights thread (009) - this might not be a real bug (deprecated feature?). Fixed in v2.88
  6. DELETE GROUP (01/04/2015) Delete group Ancestor/Descendant list (before delete) has 1 extra person
    When using the 2 Ancestor modes, and the 2 Descendant modes (Selection), the targeted person is always included in the deletion list, ie. he is his own ancestor, and his own descendant. I think he should be excluded from the list. Using Except selection does not show the targeted person on the deletion list (correct for the situation, but wrong due to bug). By design (per Marcus/Dirk)
  7. DELETE GROUP (01/04/2015) Delete group routine for "living persons" is flawed
    Choosing "living persons" appears to include the same persons for Selection and Except selection; the lists appear identical. Fixed in v2.88
  8. MOUSE HANDLING (01/05/2015) Using mouse wheel to scroll causes an error message
    Attempting to scroll the mouse down (no error on up!) in the Details tab of a Statistics dialog causes the following application error:
    "Gitterindex außerhalb des zulässigen Bereichs" (English: "Grid index out of range")
    To replicate the error, do the following (tested on Win XP SP3):
    1. Open Ahnenblatt and use "Demo.ahn". Error seems related to unitialized variable or focus related (?), not always repeatable unless opened "fresh".
    2. Use Tools/Statistics/First_name to open the Statistics dialog
    3. Activate the Details tab (66 entries)
    4. Drag the slider to the bottom of the list (viewing 66 Willi)
    5. Scroll the cursor (using mouse wheel) down - error produced
    Note: If step 4 omitted, down scroll is "jerky" - appears to be scrolling through individual occurrences of name, rather than names as shown on the control (TTntStringGrid.UncodeClass). If PageDown used instead of step 4 (may need to click control first to give it focus, error cannot be reproduced. Error can be eliminated by introducing step 4a (after step 4), namely:
    4a. Click anywhere on the control (grid) to give it focus (?)
  9. NAVIGATOR (01/05/2015) Surname prefix shown incorrectly in Navigator
    If a surname prefix is entered in the Name tab of the Input dialog, e.g. Birth name = "Fleur", surname prefix = "de", the top-right corner display (Input dialog), the data box (Navigator), the tooltip for the person (Navigator) and other places all show the last name as "de Fleur". The person box in the Navigator, however, shows an additional comma and in reverse order - "Fleur, de". I believe it should show the same as the other locations (e.g. "de Fleur, Marcel").
    Note: all locations (except Navigator person box) show the same last name, whether the name is entered as Birth name = "de Fleur" or as shown above (Birth name with prefix).
    Fixed in v2.88
  10. Ahnenblatt v2.86
    DELETE GROUP (01/05/2015) Choice 3 - "(Ancestor (complete) of..." using wrong groupbox language variable in "All persons" selection dialog
    Clicking Next after selecting this method of group deletion opens a person selection dialog. The text for the groupbox is "Selected person (last name, first name)", but should be "Proband/youngest person (last name, first name)", to match choice 2. This indicates that - in the language file - [$CONSTANTS]/StartPerson is being used instead of [$CONSTANTS]/YoungestPerson.
    This is a minor cosmetic bug, but does affect translations, etc.
    Fixed in v2.88
  11. Ahnenblatt v2.87
    FILE/SAVE_AS (01/05/2015) Save as... function on File menu - save file as RTF (a.k.a. Windows help file) - is broken
    When saving a file as a "Windows help file" (that is, RichText Format - modified), only a single person is saved. This renders that function useless. The file can be read (i.e. valid RTF), but is incomplete. This function worked in v2.85, but apparently was broken in v2.86 (and v2.87). Fixed in v2.88
Zuletzt geändert von Mathemagician am 22.06.2015, 08:54, insgesamt 4-mal geändert.
Allen T.
British Columbia, Canada

"Little did I know how little I knew..."
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Beitrag von Marcus »

First I thought a link from the german list to this one here would do the trick, but I gave them a short translation and added them to the german list. Just that we don't follow the same bugs/wishes twice without noticing.

A few suggestions to the list here:
1 The file search detects files here on my laptop on NTFS drives.
4 INT Interpreted dates. I'm not an Gedcom expert, so I don't know if this is something Ahnenblatt should know. As far as I know it never did till today. Similiar tags (which should work) are CAL, EST and ABT for calculated, estimated and ranges about a date where you're not sure about.
6 Delete group includes start person when selecting ancestors or descendents. This may not fit the thinking as I'm not an ancestor of myself, but it is in the same logic as when you select and create a tree or a list(where the start person is always included). So no bug, but different approach of what to show.
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Beitrag von DirkB »

Thanks Allen for your Feedback! :up:

Marucs is right about 1 & 6 ...

1. Is working fine even on my PC (with flash and NTFS). Ahnenblatt is searching only internal drives (no external HDDs or USBs).
Perhaps there is a problem with specific files and Ahnenblatt aborts to look further into subdirectories. Ahnenblatt opens the files to get the number of persons - perhaps there is an internal excepton with some kind of files.

6. The wording is not correct, but in most cases the user wants to generate a seperate file with ancestors of a specific person to give it to other family researchers. Of course with the specific person included.

All other points will be fixed in next version of Ahnenblatt.

- Dirk

Beitrag von jackyg1940 »

I am using your program in french.
Ahnenblatt 2.94 as 2.95 indicates my dates xx/xx/xx as not compatible with Gedcom standards. Or when entering Gedcom dates, they are systematically rejected and rewritten as xx/xx/xx .
My base shows thus thousands of errors ...
Is this normal ? or do you plan to correct this bug ?
Thanks for an answer
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Registriert: 19.01.2006, 21:55
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Beitrag von Marcus »

Hi Jachyg1940,

welcome to the Ahnenblattportal!
In the menu "Fichier" - "Propriétés" - "Format de Date" you can tell Ahnenblatt the format you use/need. But you need the year coded with 4 digits!

Does this solve your problem? Sorry for the late answer.
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Registriert: 14.12.2014, 07:06
Wohnort: West Coast of Canada

v2.95a - Bug in "file changed" mechanism

Beitrag von Mathemagician »

Small bug: found during testing while working on Help file.

Ahnenblatt v2.95a
Adding an "Island" or isolated person, by using File/New (or from toolbar) does NOT trigger the file changed mechanism, as is shown in the title bar ("*" normally added, but not for isolated person). Closing Ahnenblatt after adding such a person does not request a Save; person added will not be there when Ahnenblatt re-started.

Adding a child to such a person behaves properly - "*" added to title bar, etc.

Allen T.
British Columbia, Canada

"Little did I know how little I knew..."
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Beitrag von Fridolin »

In 2.97 and 2.97a English menu items are mixed up: "Extras" should be "Tools" and vice versa.


#Wunschliste_1222_OFFEN (Menüpunkte in anderen Sprachen vertauscht)
Aktuell Win11-64 pro 23H2, Ahnenblatt 3.60 - Daten via NAS, Programm lokal

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Beitrag von Fridolin »

In (probably 2.97 and) 2.97a French menu items are mixed up as well as English do - in the same sense: "Outils" should be "Actions" and vice versa.
Aktuell Win11-64 pro 23H2, Ahnenblatt 3.60 - Daten via NAS, Programm lokal

Empfehlung: Alle relevanten Handbücher lesen :book:
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Registriert: 25.08.2015, 09:27

Beitrag von habell »

When updating a person, no "*" is shown as to show that the file has been changed.

Also can de shortcut "CTRL" be removed somehow? My editing shortcuts no longer work because of this ("CTRL+left" en "CTRL+right" to select names).

I have reverted back to version 2.97.
Beiträge: 3916
Registriert: 04.01.2017, 18:32
Wohnort: Regio Rhein-Neckar
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Beitrag von Fridolin »

Hello Habell,

I suppose you were talking about 2.98:
habell hat geschrieben:When updating a person, no "*" is shown as to show that the file has been changed.
habell hat geschrieben:Also can de shortcut "CTRL" be removed somehow? My editing shortcuts no longer work because of this ("CTRL+left" en "CTRL+right" to select names).
I'm not sure about the context you are talking about. Within the person editing window, you shift to the next or previous person via [PgUp]/[PgDown].
Aktuell Win11-64 pro 23H2, Ahnenblatt 3.60 - Daten via NAS, Programm lokal

Empfehlung: Alle relevanten Handbücher lesen :book:
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Beiträge: 25
Registriert: 25.08.2015, 09:27

Beitrag von habell »

It is version 2.98

I talk about editing fields, not jumping to different persons in my tree.
For selecting words the windows shortcut is [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[ARROW LEFT or RIGHT]. New this jumps to a different person. This is not workable, thats why I reverted back to version 2.97a.
Beiträge: 3916
Registriert: 04.01.2017, 18:32
Wohnort: Regio Rhein-Neckar
Hat sich bedankt: 59 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 49 Mal

Beitrag von Fridolin »

Sorry, for I am very persistent!

I have never used that shortcut. But now, when I tested it within AB 2.98 with some editing fields, I didn't get the same behaviour you described. It does what you wanted it to do.

I'm sure you can't test anymore, because you moved back to 2.97a - but maybe you want to try later.

And you still get a prompt when you try to close a file that isn't saved.

Aktuell Win11-64 pro 23H2, Ahnenblatt 3.60 - Daten via NAS, Programm lokal

Empfehlung: Alle relevanten Handbücher lesen :book:
(es gibt das Benutzerhandbuch und mehrere Themen-Specials!)

Beitrag von Gast »


Sorry for my bad english ... I'm french.

I use Ahnenblatt for several years and I am in version 3.0 beta20
Since a beta of 24 January I have an anomaly in the export / saving of the file in .html (datei / speichern unter ... Html-Seite)
If the person is alive the last name does not appear anymore ...


Beitrag von Gast »


disregard the message above
it was a "private" flag in my Gedcom.