Connect other person to some event

Questions about usage of Ahnenblatt
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Registriert: 28.12.2021, 11:23
Wohnort: Poland, Lodz

Connect other person to some event

Beitrag von mrcnpdlk »

Is it possible to associate other people with the event, as is the case with witnesses to a wedding or baptism?
For example, witnesses for death or born.

Is "Relation" in event/fact, where I able to connect other person, but unfortunately there is no date and place option.

Marcin P.
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Registriert: 04.01.2017, 18:32
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Beitrag von Fridolin »

Hi Marcin,

could you please explain your target: What sort of data collection are you doing and what do you want to achieve?

If you are creating e.g. a family tree, this information can not be presented. What you are trying to do is record any sort of connections - right? And it probably isn't part of classical genealogy. No wonder that there aren't any standards for this.

Usually researchers who use a GEDCOM based database would note things like that in the annotations.

"Relation" is not meant for witnesses, but for really close relationships that are not part of the family structure - something like "best friend" or "business partner". So it's normal that "Relation" isn't based on a single fact/event.

Only with the newest version of Ahnenblatt, you can relate witnesses for a wedding or baptism in both directions - forth and back. Up to now, I inserted a custom made tag called "Mentioned" where I note that someone got mentioned in a certain source as a side person - as a witness e.g.

By the way: I could perfectly understand your English, but to make it easier for you, there are online services for translation: Try or - they both 'speak' Polish.
Aktuell Win11-64 pro 23H2, Ahnenblatt 3.60 - Daten via NAS, Programm lokal

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Beiträge: 2
Registriert: 28.12.2021, 11:23
Wohnort: Poland, Lodz

Beitrag von mrcnpdlk »

Thanks for the quick reply.
Yes, in the latest version adding witnesses/godparents is a great feature. I use it!
But sometimes other people are listed in the documents - e.g. uncle, neighbor, cousin, son-in-law, brother-in-law. These connections can be very important in discovering the next elements of the tree. Such links also allow us to keep track of birth and death dates.

A great option would be to add "Other People" to the tab for marriages, births and deaths.

Translated with (free version)
Best Regards
Marcin Pudelek

Win 11 Ahnenblatt 3.34 with ~3000 records
Beiträge: 3916
Registriert: 04.01.2017, 18:32
Wohnort: Regio Rhein-Neckar
Hat sich bedankt: 59 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 49 Mal

Beitrag von Fridolin »

À propos - welcome to the Ahnenblatt user forum! It is born from an initiative of enthousiastic users - not directly connected to the programmer of Ahnenblatt.

He drops in occasionally and looks after error reports or feature requests, so he may see your suggestion.

The GEDCOM is a widely accepted standard for data exchange on genealogy, so the Ahnenblatt approach has been to support that standard as good as possible. Maybe the new GEDCOM 5.6 standard will support that sort of relations - otherwise it might be quite complicated to implement what you wanted to have: An exchange with other programs would result in data loss. As far as I know, the 5.5.1 standard Ahnenblatt is based on at the moment doesn't have that.

This is just for information, not meant as an opinion if it should be implemented or not.
Aktuell Win11-64 pro 23H2, Ahnenblatt 3.60 - Daten via NAS, Programm lokal

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