Verfasst: 02.12.2023, 12:12
Is it possible we can enter 2 more informations for the place :
county (kreis)
subdivision : village(Ortschaft), or parish (Pfarrei) for a large town
In the import of a GEDCOM, if the information in HEAD, PLAC, FORM is present, can you use it in order to decode a place separeted by a comma (,).
For instance, FORM : Town, Area code, County, Region, Country, Subdivision
to decode : Arnsberg, 05958004, Hochsauerlandkreis, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland, Breitenbruch
Dominique PUNSOLA
Viroflay, France
county (kreis)
subdivision : village(Ortschaft), or parish (Pfarrei) for a large town
In the import of a GEDCOM, if the information in HEAD, PLAC, FORM is present, can you use it in order to decode a place separeted by a comma (,).
For instance, FORM : Town, Area code, County, Region, Country, Subdivision
to decode : Arnsberg, 05958004, Hochsauerlandkreis, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland, Breitenbruch
Dominique PUNSOLA
Viroflay, France